Does a Mattress Protector Prevent Dust Mites?

Does a Mattress Protector Prevent Dust Mites?

Have you at any point woken up with a stodgy nose, watery eyes, skin disturbance, or felt like your asthma symptoms were exacerbated? It’s possible that the presence of dust mites influenced your hypersensitivities. 

If you want to know about them, you are at the right place. We will inform you about what dust mites are and answer questions like does a mattress protector prevents dust mites. So let’s start;

What are dust mites?

Dust mites are pests that feed on human dead skin cells. Due to their feeding habit, they settle down in common household things like pillows, mattresses, and other related products. It is the most common allergen. As they are microscopic creatures, you are not able to see or feel them, so difficult to detect. 

The dust mites cause allergic reactions like sneezing, nasal congestion, and many other breathing problems as they are not visible to the human eye, so it can be challenging to detect the cause of your allergies. If you are not allergic to these creatures, then they do not pose health dangers. But if you want a clean and hygienic environment, then you should take measures to get rid of them and prevent them from entering your bedroom.  

How to get rid of dust mites from the mattress

If you suffer from these dust mites and are looking for a solution, I list some solutions you can use to get rid of mites from them.

Use dust mite covers.

Does a mattress protector prevent dust mites? People usually ask this question. Mattress protectors are usually designed to act as a barrier for dust mites and other allergens to penetrate in your mattress. They are generally recommended for two reasons;

  • To kill the mites that are present in your bedding by cutting their food source.
  • To prevent new mites from being added to your bedding and home. 

It is important to note that not all mattress protectors are designed for this purpose. Some are specially designed for dust mites to slip through. So if you are looking for the dust mite cover, then make sure the manufacturer explicitly states that the product can protect against mites. 

Use hot water for washing purposes.

We all are aware that microorganisms are not able to survive at high temperatures. Studies reveal that washing bedding with 140 degrees Farenheight can be perfect for eradicating all the dust mites from your bedding. 

Make it a regular part of your life and recommend that you wash your bedding at least once a week. It may help to have extra bedding set to swap out every time you wash your bedding. 

Dispose of old bedding

If your mattress is 7-8 years old, you should consider disposing of it because with time mattress loses support and good hygiene; it is time to get new bedding products. 

Vacuum your mattress

A vacuum cleaner can be useful for cleaning dust mites from your mattress. Not every vacuum cleaner is able to clean the mattress so consider a handheld vacuum cleaner for cleaning your mattress. Also, if you have carpets so vacuum them because dust mites also make a home in the soft carpet. 

Call a professional

If the situation becomes out of order, you may want to call a professional to help you deep clean your home from these pests. Check with bug control companies close to you to check whether they can dispose of residue parasites. Then again, you might need to employ a professional cleaner.

Try not to go crazy. The possibility that these little creatures are infesting one’s mattress is a horrendous idea for most. However, realize that they are incredibly normal. 

You can follow the above guidance to prevent dust mites from living in your bedding, yet don’t lose rest over it.